How much currency to bring to vacation to Reykjavík, Iceland

Iceland is known for its large glaciers, thundering waterfalls and mystical natural nighttime views. Saving the best for last, Iceland was one of the last places on Earth to be settled by humans. Although very small, Reykjavík is home to more than half of the Iceland population. This beautiful city is packed with tons of restaurants, natural landmarks and museums and is extremely walkable. One of the most asked questions we receive is, “How much Icelandic króna should I bring on my trip?”
With that, we’ve compiled a travel guide to help you know how much currency you need to make sure your trip to Reykjavík, Iceland is unforgettable. Interested in reading about one of our very own regional manager's travel experience? Check out her amazing travel story with travel tips and more.
How much is a cab ride in Reykjavík in US dollars?
In our how much currency to bring abroad chart below, you'll see a 10-mile cab ride is on average about $61.24 USD in Reykjavík, Iceland. Having this information on hand will give you a good idea of how much you would need to get around the city.
What is the average cost of dinner for two in Reykjavík?
Icelandic cuisine is influenced by what they have around them, like seafood from the cold Arctic waters, free roaming sheep, and dairy. Popular Iceland foods include Skyr (thick and creamy Icelandic yogurt), hangikjöt (smoked lamb), laufabrauð (Icelandic bread), and Hákarl (fermented shark). Hákarl, pictured above, is a traditional dish in Iceland and is often serviced in cubes on cocktail sticks. It is advised for people trying it for the first time to pinch their nose while taking their first bite, since the smell is stronger than the taste. Here's an amazing list to check out the as shown in our how much currency to bring abroad chart above, it costs on average $38.66 USD for a budget dinner for two and $9.28 USD for a pint of beer.
What currency is accepted in Reykjavík?
The Icelandic króna is the official currency of Iceland. It has five different denominations: 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, and 10000. The abbreviation for Icelandic króna is ISK, however, in Iceland, you will see it as “kr” on price tags. Instead of kings, queens, or presidents on the front of the banknotes, all bills feature important historical figures. Learn more about the history of Icelandic króna.
Don't forget to add CXI's Currency Price Protection with your Icelandic króna - available at our CXI City Center locations. If you have leftover Icelandic króna after your trip to Reykjavík, CXI will buy protected currencies back from you at our ultimate buy-back rate plus no exchange fee! Order your Icelandic króna now.
What is the cheapest month to book a flight to Reykjavík?
January is the ideal month to book a flight to Reykjavík, according to Visit to find round trip tickets to Reykjavík for an affordable price depending on where you leave from, the airline you fly with, and when you are taking your trip. There you can find the best days of the week and the best time of year to book flights for your trips to other countries! Don't forget, before you book that flight, check out everything you need to know about the five trusted travelers programs in our video above.
How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in Reykjavík?
The average nightly cost for an Airbnb in Reykjavík is $170. Take a look at the best-rated super host places to stay in Reykjavík, Iceland from Airbnb. Want a hotel experience instead? can help you find the latest prices and deals for Reykjavík.
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